MS-01: NRCC Dumps Cash Against Childers

How badly is the cash-strapped NRCC sweating the open seat race in Mississippi’s 1st congressional district?  Enough to drop $62,000 against the Democratic nominee, Travis Childers.

The expenditures include a $30K media buy and $16K on direct mail, and come on the heels of a direct expenditure for Childers by the DCCC over the weekend.  A copy of the ad attacking Childers is viewable here.

It seems that the GOP can’t take anything for granted these days — even R+10 seats like this one that wouldn’t have been seriously in play earlier in the decade.

4 thoughts on “MS-01: NRCC Dumps Cash Against Childers”

  1. Quick responses like this will make it less likely that the Republicans will spend additional cash in the future. And losses here will kill their fund raising ability.  

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